Werner Heisenberg, Please Phone Home Via Subspace

It is an ill wind indeed, as the old proverb tell us, that blows no good for anyone.  And so it has been, for the last few days, a veritable bonanza for me, as one client after another trooped in and out of my office, each gladly paying my customary fees for advice concerning the… Continue reading Werner Heisenberg, Please Phone Home Via Subspace

Current Miss Universe Apparently From Mars

I was winding up a pretty busy week this afternoon, but around three, there was a vacant hour in my appointment schedule.  At times like that, I like to stretch out on the couch by my office window and read, which I did.  There’s some excellent fiction in the latest issue of Harper’s, but for… Continue reading Current Miss Universe Apparently From Mars

Good Thing that Cucumber Flunked the Audition

Washington had its first snow storm of the winter yesterday, followed this morning by an ice storm that has, predictably, paralyzed the place completely.  Around eleven thirty, our new President remarked to reporters he’s quite amazed that a quarter inch of ice could render the capital city of the greatest nation in history a crippled shadow… Continue reading Good Thing that Cucumber Flunked the Audition

French Post Card Industry on Verge of Cancellation

As Fate and my appointment schedule would have it, I was sufficiently close by the Willard Hotel around lunch time, and after dining had about an hour to kill at the Round Robin Bar.  There I spied Phil McCrakin, principal lobbyist for the Association of American Pornographers.  Well, how about that, I thought to myself… Continue reading French Post Card Industry on Verge of Cancellation