Greed, Pride, Lust, Envy – No, Wait, That’s Not Right…

I couldn’t help getting a very strange feeling when I arrived last night at my dear sister Rose’s home.  As regular readers of this Web log know, due to the mortgage crisis, Rose’s large and loving Catholic family has been host to her husband’s brother’s large and loving Catholic family for quite a while now,… Continue reading Greed, Pride, Lust, Envy – No, Wait, That’s Not Right…

British Physicist Ponders Scientific Mystery

I’ve always wondered about the English tradition of hyphenated last names.  The whole concept strikes me as a perfect example of vain impracticality.  As if a woman named Chuzzlewit didn’t have enough problems already – could changing her last name to Havisham be all that bad?  Apparently so, and here comes Ms. Chuzzlewit-Havisham, tripping so… Continue reading British Physicist Ponders Scientific Mystery

And Another One Bites the Dust

About ten this morning, I met with an FBI agent bound for Sudan.  He’s headed over there with some other FBI agents and FBI technicians to support a contingent of Department of State Security Agents investigating the untimely demise of a fellow named John Granville, an American and an employee of the US Government, who… Continue reading And Another One Bites the Dust

The Treasure Trove of Ancient Egyptian Royalties

Whenever a client insists on an absurdly early time for a meeting, I remember Rene Descarte, who never got out of bed before noon.  Who knows, maybe the human race would have been better off if he had been up at five-thirty every morning, diligently working on the management of his French country estate, counting… Continue reading The Treasure Trove of Ancient Egyptian Royalties