Aqua Dots, Caution

Well, here it is, the federal holiday associated with Veteran’s Day, which was yesterday, November 11.  Since that was a Sunday, everybody in Washington took today off so they could honor America’s veterans by observing our venerable national tradition of shopping all day for great bargains.  Even men, who, for the most part, are not… Continue reading Aqua Dots, Caution

Internet Mata Hari Betrayed

Wednesday night about half past eight, as I relaxed with a literary magazine on the living room couch, my cat Twinkle, who had been performing her duty decorating a nearby antique chair, suddenly perked up her ears, looked at me with an unusually serious mien, and hissed.  “Rosie,” Twinkle proclaimed, in her heavy feline accent,… Continue reading Internet Mata Hari Betrayed

Happy New Year!

The baristas at local gourmet coffee shops here in the DC Metro area pulled a lot of extra shots for many of their regular customers this morning, as the resident hordes of federal contractors made bleary-eyed tracks for their office desks.  They had all been up rather late for a Sunday in Washington, a town… Continue reading Happy New Year!

Bombs Bursting Over There

Cerise and I romped until dawn, so it wasn’t all that pleasant to be awakened at 8:38 this morning by a telephone call, but Caller ID said it was from my sister Rose, therefore filial duty required that I pick up instead of letting it roll over into voice mail. Rose: Tom, Hank’s scared to… Continue reading Bombs Bursting Over There