Friday the 13th – Power of the Internet

Tires screeched in my driveway.  Someone pounded at my front door.  WTF, I thought, slipping the custom 9 mm magnum auto cabriolet pistol stuffed with an oversize clip of depleted uranium bullets I keep in my bedroom into the silk-lined holster sewed into the tight, wide band of the full cammo Canadian commando jumpsuit that… Continue reading Friday the 13th – Power of the Internet

2 Hot 2B 4Got

I left an outgoing announcement on the voice mail stating that my office was closed for Good Friday, and I’m pleased to report that even in Washington DC, nobody was sufficiently boorish to leave a message demanding a meeting.  But there are limits to discretion and good taste here, and quite narrow ones at that. … Continue reading 2 Hot 2B 4Got