Bombs Bursting Over There

Cerise and I romped until dawn, so it wasn’t all that pleasant to be awakened at 8:38 this morning by a telephone call, but Caller ID said it was from my sister Rose, therefore filial duty required that I pick up instead of letting it roll over into voice mail. Rose: Tom, Hank’s scared to… Continue reading Bombs Bursting Over There

Appraising the Family Jewels

Washington summers are legendary for their heat and humidity, and it’s often told that, before the advent of air conditioning, employees at the British Embassy received hardship pay, as if they were stationed in New Delhi or Rangoon.  In days of yore, then, it is easy to comprehend why Washington ran down like a neglected… Continue reading Appraising the Family Jewels

A Sunday Bucket of Warm Cheney

The appointment of an extraordinary person, as Vice-President, has been objected to as superfluous, if not mischievous…  It is remarkable that in this, as in most other instances, the objection which is made would lie against the constitution of this State.  We have a Lieutenant-Governor, chosen by the people at large, who presides in the… Continue reading A Sunday Bucket of Warm Cheney

Millions of Wise Guys Left Feeling Like They Can Only Sing Soprano

Katje, my dear sister-in-law, contacted me last night about 12:45.  The poor thing was so distraught, I could even forgive her for being such a silly new-age airhead – which, as regular readers of this Web log know, recently resulted in a visit by my dear brother Rob Roy, who, TC fans will be glad to… Continue reading Millions of Wise Guys Left Feeling Like They Can Only Sing Soprano