Did Petraeus Betray Us? Only His Mistress Knows for Sure!

My dear sister Rose’s oldest son, Hank Jr., came down to DC this week from Rhode Island, where he is studying art at Brown, in order to curate some recent modern art acquisitions for the Smithsonian. He brought along his current girlfriend, Lorelei, who is an English major. Hank Jr. dropped by my office on… Continue reading Did Petraeus Betray Us? Only His Mistress Knows for Sure!

David Petraeus and John Allen Caught in General Scandal

Early Friday morning, a person identifying themself as Robin Tracey Innis Masozi Dale began calling my office in Washington DC, more or less pestering the dickens out of poor Gretchen, my private secretary, by urgently asking for a telephone consultation, over and over again.  As it happened, I couldn’t spare a minute – I was booked solid until six… Continue reading David Petraeus and John Allen Caught in General Scandal