Cows to Governor Brown: Who Smelt It, Dealt It, Jerry!

My two-thirty PM consultation appointment on Friday was with Dr. Arbre Étreinte Birkenstock, Division Director, United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air and Radiation. Despite the autumn equinox on Thursday, the weather remained as warm and humid as summer here in Washington DC, and she arrived at my office wearing a sundress, sandals, and… Continue reading Cows to Governor Brown: Who Smelt It, Dealt It, Jerry!

Bon Appétit, les Paysans – Michelle Obama Dictates School Lunch Menus

Early Thursday afternoon, I was visited by Dr. Alder Wood Smithfield Bacon, PhD DVM RD CDN, Chief, Dietetics and Nutrition Branch, Content and Portion Control Division, Office of the National School Lunch Program, Food and Nutrition Service, United States Department of Agriculture.  He began our consultation appointment by sitting down on the couch by the… Continue reading Bon Appétit, les Paysans – Michelle Obama Dictates School Lunch Menus