Don’t Cry for Oil, Argentina

I didn’t go in to the office this morning, and eagerly anticipated a quiet Saturday at home in Great Falls, Virginia with my girlfriend Cerise and my cat Twinkle.  We had, however, just finished a tasty late winter Tidewater lunch of shad roe with chard and roasted red fingerling potatoes when my POTS land line… Continue reading Don’t Cry for Oil, Argentina

Anonymous Reveals STRATFOR’S Deep Seated Insecurities

Being booked solid on Friday from seven-thirty a.m. through well past six in the evening, I felt perfectly justified in setting aside an hour and fifteen minutes for lunch.  But I had to cancel my reservation and send out instead, because Mooney from STRATFOR had spent most of Thursday afternoon and Friday morning pestering Gretchen… Continue reading Anonymous Reveals STRATFOR’S Deep Seated Insecurities