Silence of the Gats

The proposition that democracy is an imperfect form of government is nothing new. Plato wrote a book about his proposed alternative, where a class of philosopher kings would replace the rule of the people, and this year is the two-thousand four-hundredth anniversary of his writing it. Who would actually be good enough, wise enough, just… Continue reading Silence of the Gats

TikTok Approaches Zero Hour

I have been writing this Web log since 2006, and I suppose regular readers have long since deduced that the Washington DC suburb of Great Falls, Virginia, where I live, is a rather upscale neighborhood. And, I would hasten to add, I am hardly the wealthiest inhabitant of the cul de sac where my home… Continue reading TikTok Approaches Zero Hour

New York State Fine for Business Fraud, Bigly!

When the first Soviet-era tanks rolled across the border on February 24, 2022, the consensus in every world capital except Kiev was that the Russian invasion, carried on the orders of the murderous, deranged, criminal dictator Vladimir Putin, would be over in two weeks. The Ukrainians, having just recently replaced their bogus, corrupt Russian puppet… Continue reading New York State Fine for Business Fraud, Bigly!

CryptoPonzi Kid Headed for the Hoosegow

In 1650, The Anglican Church Archbishop of Armagh, Primate of All Ireland, James Ussher, published a book in which he presented his calculations that determined the true age of the Earth. In it, he concluded that God had finished His work with that particular project on “the entrance of the night preceding the 23rd day… Continue reading CryptoPonzi Kid Headed for the Hoosegow

Paris Bugged by Latest Expatriate Community

Well, as discussed in my previous post, Kevin McCarthy is no longer Speaker of the US House of Representatives. As I told him: you stop being the MAGA doormat, and that’s the fastest way to do yourself out of the gig. As regular readers will recall, the other way was to continue being the MAGA… Continue reading Paris Bugged by Latest Expatriate Community