TikTok Approaches Zero Hour

I have been writing this Web log since 2006, and I suppose regular readers have long since deduced that the Washington DC suburb of Great Falls, Virginia, where I live, is a rather upscale neighborhood. And, I would hasten to add, I am hardly the wealthiest inhabitant of the cul de sac where my home… Continue reading TikTok Approaches Zero Hour

TikTok’s Time of Tribulation

In the nineteen fifties, disaffected, sociopathic, hormonally precocious teenagers in the United States often expressed their rebellion against the adult world by engaging in games involving various kinds of reckless driving. One such practice, favored by particularly suicidal types of what were called, at the time, “juvenile delinquents,” was known as “Chicken,” so named because… Continue reading TikTok’s Time of Tribulation

Up, Up and Away in Xi’s Beautiful Balloon

Another working Saturday for Gretchen and me, although she, having completed her administrative duties and all of my consultation bookings in jig time, only needed to stay through noon. She got paid for the whole day, of course. I, on the other hand, had to remain in the office until six-thirty, dispensing advice to all… Continue reading Up, Up and Away in Xi’s Beautiful Balloon

Pelosi’s Taiwan Talk Sparks Chinese Fire Drill

The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China does not have much use for American consultants, a notable exception being I.M. Pei, who, although from Shanghai, became an American, but nevertheless consulted on the design and construction of China’s new embassy at International Place, in the Forest Hills neighborhood. I say new only to distinguish… Continue reading Pelosi’s Taiwan Talk Sparks Chinese Fire Drill

The Apple Fell off the Tree and Rolled into the Sewer

A highly unseasonable cold snap hit the Washington DC area (and, indeed, most of the United States west of the Rocky Mountains) this weekend, so Saturday morning found me relaxing indoors sipping a cup of Kopi Luwak with a shot of Remy Martin XO in it and my cat Twinkle curled up on the couch… Continue reading The Apple Fell off the Tree and Rolled into the Sewer