Law and Order MAGA

Shortly after eleven on the morning of April 15, while I was in a meeting with a Kenyan diplomat, Gretchen sent me a DM that popped up on my workstation monitor. “A Mr. Daniello Finocchiona from Mulberry Street, who says he is your sister Rose’s maid of honor’s cousin’s boyfriend, has requested one of your… Continue reading Law and Order MAGA

Primarily Preposterous

The people of the state of Iowa, Norman Mailer once observed, are incapable of realizing any political reality short of having a bomb dropped on them. The state motto of New Hampshire is “Live Free or Die,” by which they mean, be like us or we will kill you. Both states have minuscule populations; Iowa… Continue reading Primarily Preposterous

James Comer Takes Congress on a Snipe Hunt

I get a lot of consulting business from politics, and, in fact, I get it from the entire philosophical spectrum. It turns out that everyone, from rock-ribbed conservatives to flaming liberal progressives, needs insightful advice and original ideas. Giving such advice does require a certain degree of circumspection, however. Take Joe Biden, for example –… Continue reading James Comer Takes Congress on a Snipe Hunt

Atlas Twerked: Who is Perry Johnson?

The island of Maui used to be the most stylish, hippest and upscale spot in the state of Hawaii, world famous for its glittering tropical beaches, verdant floral jungles, pristine coral reefs, spectacular wildlife, magnificent vistas and sparkling, rainbow-crowned waterfalls. It was a favorite haunt of celebrities, rock stars and tech billionaires. Accommodations for ordinary… Continue reading Atlas Twerked: Who is Perry Johnson?

Early Republican Primals Begin

As the debt ceiling crisis evolved into a debt ceiling deal, I’ve been busy as a one-armed wallpaper hanger. Prior to the deal, my office was packed with clients representing special interests from all over the economic and political spectrums, each wanting advice for strategies on how to gore somebody else’s ox. And, of course,… Continue reading Early Republican Primals Begin