James Comer Takes Congress on a Snipe Hunt

I get a lot of consulting business from politics, and, in fact, I get it from the entire philosophical spectrum. It turns out that everyone, from rock-ribbed conservatives to flaming liberal progressives, needs insightful advice and original ideas. Giving such advice does require a certain degree of circumspection, however. Take Joe Biden, for example –… Continue reading James Comer Takes Congress on a Snipe Hunt

Long Hot Summer Snowstorm

Last Thursday was the warmest day for Planet Earth in the last one hundred and twenty-five thousand years. Friday was warmer than that, and Saturday warmer still, each day breaking the previous one’s record, and today seems well on its way to surpassing them all. The geologic period that transpired one hundred and twenty-five thousand… Continue reading Long Hot Summer Snowstorm

Joe Biden’s Secret Dilemma

Today was a federal holiday, but that didn’t stop White House staffer Ximena Nkwame Fong-Biswas-Sanchez from visiting my office for an urgently booked consultation. She practically leapt into the chair directly in front of my desk, scooted up close, pulled out a government laptop, opened it with an air of grim determination on the edge,… Continue reading Joe Biden’s Secret Dilemma

The Hunter Games

Starting last Thursday, Gretchen kept getting calls from Hunter Biden, requesting a consultation. As it happens, Hunter is on my list of people who have to pay up front – there are plenty of good reasons for not waiting for Hunter Biden to pay a bill. The first time he called, he told her he… Continue reading The Hunter Games

Inflation’s Hot, So Bitcoin’s Not

Speaking of Hell, as I was at the end of the previous post, the difference between Hell and Washington DC in the summer has always been that Hell has dry heat. So, I would point out that all those folks elsewhere in the United States who think the people in Washington should go to Hell… Continue reading Inflation’s Hot, So Bitcoin’s Not