The Donald Went Down to Georgia

After work last Thursday evening, I arrived at my home in Great Falls, Virginia around eight, poured myself three fingers of Glenmorangie 21 on some Icelandic glacier shards and settled down on the couch to relax listening to a rare direct-to-disk recording of Bernstein conducting the Vienna Philharmonic in a performance of Mahler’s Eighth Symphony… Continue reading The Donald Went Down to Georgia

Long Hot Summer Snowstorm

Last Thursday was the warmest day for Planet Earth in the last one hundred and twenty-five thousand years. Friday was warmer than that, and Saturday warmer still, each day breaking the previous one’s record, and today seems well on its way to surpassing them all. The geologic period that transpired one hundred and twenty-five thousand… Continue reading Long Hot Summer Snowstorm

Verrrrry Interesting…. But Not Legal!

In Anglophone countries it is said that there is an ancient Chinese curse, customarily related as “May you live in interesting times.” Like many things commonly believed in many societies, and like many aphorisms believed to be of a reputed origin in many languages, there is no actual evidence to support such an assertion. No… Continue reading Verrrrry Interesting…. But Not Legal!

GOP Trumpsters Contemplate Orange as the New Black

Omicron having driven most of my clientele back into their little Zoom boxes, Gretchen rescheduled the remainder of the consultations to be held during the month of January in my downtown Washington DC office for Mondays and Wednesdays. Even then, there are significant gaps in those days which she has been filling with remote sessions… Continue reading GOP Trumpsters Contemplate Orange as the New Black

Deep State Blues – Q’s Clues Confuse Adults with Preschool Intellects

Regular readers of this Web log would probably not be surprised to learn that I know Q. Actually, it would be surprising if they were surprised to learn that I know Q. In fact, I’ve known Q for years, and there are a couple of common misconceptions about him that I feel I should correct,… Continue reading Deep State Blues – Q’s Clues Confuse Adults with Preschool Intellects