Deep State Blues – Q’s Clues Confuse Adults with Preschool Intellects

Regular readers of this Web log would probably not be surprised to learn that I know Q. Actually, it would be surprising if they were surprised to learn that I know Q. In fact, I’ve known Q for years, and there are a couple of common misconceptions about him that I feel I should correct,… Continue reading Deep State Blues – Q’s Clues Confuse Adults with Preschool Intellects

Media Matter Mess Attracts a Mercenary Muse

Cerise is out of town on business this weekend, and Twinkle is staying overnight at the vet, leaving me, so I thought, alone for the day.  What’s more, I am completely caught up on my work, too.  Therefore, I figured I’d relax on the sofa at home with the latest editions of Harpers, the Atlantic… Continue reading Media Matter Mess Attracts a Mercenary Muse