Media Matter Mess Attracts a Mercenary Muse

Cerise is out of town on business this weekend, and Twinkle is staying overnight at the vet, leaving me, so I thought, alone for the day.  What’s more, I am completely caught up on my work, too.  Therefore, I figured I’d relax on the sofa at home with the latest editions of Harpers, the Atlantic… Continue reading Media Matter Mess Attracts a Mercenary Muse

This Site Has Gone 10,000 Shades of Gray

It’s pretty hard to imagine someone reading this Web log who would be unaware of the significance of today’s date – it’s January 18, 2012.  This is the day that millions of Web sites across the world, including some, or perhaps all, of those on this site’s own blog roll, will go dark in protest… Continue reading This Site Has Gone 10,000 Shades of Gray

Occupy Wall Street Gets Street Smart

Columbus Day is a federal holiday, and, in my humble opinion, no other day is more suitable.  After all, Columbus was dead wrong about the key assumption underlying his endeavours, that being the size of the earth.  Every educated person in Columbus’ day knew it was round, of course – that realization went back to… Continue reading Occupy Wall Street Gets Street Smart