Romney Sojourning Planet Ryan

Yet another working Saturday for Gretchen and me – and a solid nine-hour day it was, too.  I was so busy with consultations concerning aid to the Syrian rebels, terrorist attacks in the Sinai peninsula and anti-Muslim arson riots in Burma that Gretchen found it necessary to wait until my rather late lunch to tell… Continue reading Romney Sojourning Planet Ryan

Raising Cain Above Romney, Perry and Bucket of… N-P-K?

Early last Friday, Gretchen received a call from the Herman Cain campaign, who displayed a respectable amount of organization by booking a telephone consultation for their candidate on Tuesday morning. Cain: Hello?  Tom Collins? Tom: At your service, sir. Cain: Oh, I do like the sound of that. Tom: I am truly gratified to hear you… Continue reading Raising Cain Above Romney, Perry and Bucket of… N-P-K?

Occupy Wall Street Gets Street Smart

Columbus Day is a federal holiday, and, in my humble opinion, no other day is more suitable.  After all, Columbus was dead wrong about the key assumption underlying his endeavours, that being the size of the earth.  Every educated person in Columbus’ day knew it was round, of course – that realization went back to… Continue reading Occupy Wall Street Gets Street Smart