Visiting Michigan? Don’t Drink the Water

Last Tuesday morning, I was visited by Dr. Singe Saleté, Federal Policy Consultant to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. “I’ve been waiting nearly a week for an opening in your schedule,” she complained as she seated herself in the chair immediately in front of my desk. “It appears you are a very difficult person… Continue reading Visiting Michigan? Don’t Drink the Water

Jeb Bush Reveals Southern Strategy

Calls from politicians who want to be President of the United States aren’t that unusual, but one thing I’ve noticed over the course of the last several elections is that as time goes on, I get them earlier and earlier. I mean, really, November 8, 2016 is 616 days away, and already here’s my first… Continue reading Jeb Bush Reveals Southern Strategy

Is New Orleans Really Mary Landrieu’s Home Away From Home?

Fair is fair, and since I hosted the last big family cookout, and not so long ago, either, my brother Rob Roy will be doing the honors for Labor Day at his place in Falls Church. This meant that I had no related preparations to make, and since I had managed to avoid booking any… Continue reading Is New Orleans Really Mary Landrieu’s Home Away From Home?

Tea Party Loses Mojo; Searching for Grigris to Get it Back

My first consultation after lunch on Friday was Dr. Philomena Poubelle, leader of the Tea Party Institute, a clandestine think-tank headquartered here in Washington.  She was turned out in her usual conservative patriot’s ensemble of a red scarf, white blouse and dark blue pantsuit, and shod with a pair of black Mary Janes.  “Tom,” she… Continue reading Tea Party Loses Mojo; Searching for Grigris to Get it Back

Mike Huckabee Offends Entire Political Spectrum in a Single Speech

Mike Huckabee started bugging Gretchen for a telephone consultation with me starting Thursday afternoon, but it wasn’t until after six o’clock on Friday night that my schedule actually allowed for it.  While every American who votes has heard of Mike Huckabee, international readers of this Web log may be unfamiliar with him, so for their benefit… Continue reading Mike Huckabee Offends Entire Political Spectrum in a Single Speech