FBI Not Necessarily a Nest of Sexting Villains

Today was another working Saturday, with appointments starting at nine and running until seven.  That was enough for me, to be sure, and more than enough for Gretchen, who asked if she could leave at five in order to get an early start on her evening plans, consisting of a dinner date in Georgetown followed by… Continue reading FBI Not Necessarily a Nest of Sexting Villains

Media Matter Mess Attracts a Mercenary Muse

Cerise is out of town on business this weekend, and Twinkle is staying overnight at the vet, leaving me, so I thought, alone for the day.  What’s more, I am completely caught up on my work, too.  Therefore, I figured I’d relax on the sofa at home with the latest editions of Harpers, the Atlantic… Continue reading Media Matter Mess Attracts a Mercenary Muse