Obama Finds His Voice on National Security Leaks

Last weekend, a Russian hacker cracked six and a half million Linkedin user passwords.  Monday, he posted them on the Internet.  Wednesday, Linkedin came out and admitted what had happened.  Thursday, all hell broke loose.  Friday afternoon, I had an appointment for a policy consultation with a Linkedin representative.  I had Gretchen reschedule her, however,… Continue reading Obama Finds His Voice on National Security Leaks

Media Matter Mess Attracts a Mercenary Muse

Cerise is out of town on business this weekend, and Twinkle is staying overnight at the vet, leaving me, so I thought, alone for the day.  What’s more, I am completely caught up on my work, too.  Therefore, I figured I’d relax on the sofa at home with the latest editions of Harpers, the Atlantic… Continue reading Media Matter Mess Attracts a Mercenary Muse