Verrrrry Interesting…. But Not Legal!

In Anglophone countries it is said that there is an ancient Chinese curse, customarily related as “May you live in interesting times.” Like many things commonly believed in many societies, and like many aphorisms believed to be of a reputed origin in many languages, there is no actual evidence to support such an assertion. No… Continue reading Verrrrry Interesting…. But Not Legal!

Captain Snerd and the Mystery of the Brethren’s Temple

Yesterday was Friday the 13th, or perhaps I should say, another occurrence of Friday the 13th, since they inevitably happen once or twice every year. The most common explanation for the day’s reputation as unlucky involves Philip IV of France and the Order of the Knights Templar. King Philip was an egotistical, bumbling incompetent ignoramus… Continue reading Captain Snerd and the Mystery of the Brethren’s Temple

Obama Shoots the Skeet at Camp David

At thirteen minutes past ten this morning, Gretchen and I were laboring through another working Saturday with a full schedule of clients, when I received an urgent call from Kathryn Cordite, a staffer for United States Representative Marsha Blackburn (R – Tennessee). “She’s pretty near hysterical,” Gretchen told me as she peeked through the heavy… Continue reading Obama Shoots the Skeet at Camp David