Ain’t Misbehaving – GOP Caught in a Twitstorm

Yesterday morning at nine, I was visited by Harold Scheisskopf, Political Strategy Coordinator with the National Republican Congressional Committee. He projected his usual veneer of smug, supercilious Skull and Bones pretension, but beneath it, I readily detected a current of distinct unease. “Nice [expletive]-kicking we gave the Democrats, huh?” Scheisskopf opened as he assumed the… Continue reading Ain’t Misbehaving – GOP Caught in a Twitstorm

Ach du Liebe Zeit! NSA Private Cell Phone Tap Penetrates Angela Merkel

Fortunately, despite the desperate state of the world, it did not prove necessary for Gretchen to book any consultations on this particular weekend.  So she had both days off – although I am, technically speaking, on call year-round, 24/7.  And so it was that shortly after breakfast in bed, while Cerise and I relaxed with… Continue reading Ach du Liebe Zeit! NSA Private Cell Phone Tap Penetrates Angela Merkel

The Internet Gets Pwned by NSA

Syria had everyone who is anyone in Washington – and their assistants – which includes me and Gretchen, of course, inside working today.  That’s a real shame because the weather was absolutely gorgeous outdoors and all I could do was look through the picture window at it as the sun shined down through a seventy-five… Continue reading The Internet Gets Pwned by NSA

Anonymous Reveals STRATFOR’S Deep Seated Insecurities

Being booked solid on Friday from seven-thirty a.m. through well past six in the evening, I felt perfectly justified in setting aside an hour and fifteen minutes for lunch.  But I had to cancel my reservation and send out instead, because Mooney from STRATFOR had spent most of Thursday afternoon and Friday morning pestering Gretchen… Continue reading Anonymous Reveals STRATFOR’S Deep Seated Insecurities