Walker Goes Long, Deep and Weird

It’s not particularly common for a professional athlete to end up on Capitol Hill, but it has happened, no doubt about that. In the House, Representative Anthony Gonzalez was a wide receiver for the Indianapolis Colts, Representative Colin Allred was a linebacker with the Tennessee Titans, Representative Jack Kemp was the quarterback of the Buffalo… Continue reading Walker Goes Long, Deep and Weird

Hashtag #Batty Billionaire’s New Toy

My home landline telephone number is not widely known. Generally, it gets passed around very judiciously among certain members of Washington’s insider elites, accompanied by advice that calling my office is considered decidedly more preferable. Members of my immediate family have it too, however, and very occasionally, I receive a call from somebody they know.… Continue reading Hashtag #Batty Billionaire’s New Toy

A Funny Thing Happened in the Well of the House

The trees in my Great Falls, Virginia neighborhood offered more evidence (admittedly anecdotal) this week that global warming is real. When they turn color in the fall depends on both the light cycle and temperature, naturally, and while the decreasing length of the daylight periods at this latitude during the fall season hasn’t changed in… Continue reading A Funny Thing Happened in the Well of the House

Trump Cabinet Thinks the Unthinkable – Who’da Thunk It?

Quite early yesterday morning, so early, in fact, that I had to arrive at the office before Gretchen, a consultation began with a gentleman who insisted I call him “Randy Harry Merkin,” although that obviously could not be his real name. He paid cash, and told me that he is a policy advisor to a… Continue reading Trump Cabinet Thinks the Unthinkable – Who’da Thunk It?

Tsunami of Terrible Tweets Troubles Trump’s Twits

Friday night after work, I stopped by the Round Robin Bar for a properly made cocktail or two, and was enjoying a Van Gogh Vanilla and Caffe del Fuego white Russian, up, shaken, with a sprinkle of powdered Sri Lankan montane cardamom when I spied a haggard gentleman with huge bags under his eyes pounding… Continue reading Tsunami of Terrible Tweets Troubles Trump’s Twits