Feds Jump on Trump’s Secret Document Dump

As frequent readers of this Web log know, I have pretty good security at my office in Washington DC. This includes a SCIF-rated environment, which is accessible by a door to the left of, and behind my desk. It opens onto a corridor where the SCIF clone is accessible through one of several doors there.… Continue reading Feds Jump on Trump’s Secret Document Dump

Anonymous Reveals STRATFOR’S Deep Seated Insecurities

Being booked solid on Friday from seven-thirty a.m. through well past six in the evening, I felt perfectly justified in setting aside an hour and fifteen minutes for lunch.  But I had to cancel my reservation and send out instead, because Mooney from STRATFOR had spent most of Thursday afternoon and Friday morning pestering Gretchen… Continue reading Anonymous Reveals STRATFOR’S Deep Seated Insecurities