Queasy is the Head that Wears a Crown

Most historians agree that the first king of England was a fellow named Aethelstan, who got the title in the year 927. Whatever it meant to be English in the tenth century, he certainly wasn’t a Briton. No, Britons, the people the Romans conquered when they invaded the island, were Celtic, spoke a Celtic language… Continue reading Queasy is the Head that Wears a Crown

Rue Britannia

On Friday, March 15, my ten o’clock morning consultation was with Sir Percy Hampton Churchill Saxe-Coburg Hanover Blithering-Snipe Smythe-Smith-Smythe Kensington VI, PhD OS FHS KCVO LLE OBE HFRS BYOB, Economic Attaché to the Royal Embassy of Her Majesty, Elizabeth II of the Court of Saint James’s, by the Grace of God, Queen of the United… Continue reading Rue Britannia

Trumpstink – Terrible New Torment of the Tories

Sir Percy Bysshe Blithering-Snype, Twelfth Earl of Dorking, Principal Attaché for Commerce and the Exchequer at the Embassy of Great Britain here in Washington was hardly his usual convivial self on Friday. He sat through most of our consultation on English specialty export markets with a preoccupied look, barely responding to my conversation. Toward the… Continue reading Trumpstink – Terrible New Torment of the Tories

Scots Discover There is No Such Uncertainty as Independence

Bright and early on Wednesday morning, I welcomed Dr. Angus MacFergus McTavish Dundee Ph.D., President of the American Scottish Independence Society, to my office for a policy consultation. “Congratulations,” I said as he seated himself primly on the chair immediately in front of my desk, “it looks like the upcoming independence referendum in Scotland next… Continue reading Scots Discover There is No Such Uncertainty as Independence

Argentina’s Falkland Tempest in a Tin Pot

Friday afternoon, I was visited by Dr. Pedro “Pete” Tontogrande Chupacerdo y Boludo del Alcantarilla, former Juan Perón Professor of International Peace, Tolerance and Diplomacy at the University of Buenos Aries and current Primary Counselor for Political and Economic Policy at the Embassy of Argentina here in Washington, DC.  As regular readers of this Web… Continue reading Argentina’s Falkland Tempest in a Tin Pot