Today, I received a visit from Dr. Vilaremetaftia Kolodaktilo. As regular readers of this Web log will recall, Dr. Kolodaktilo was once the Principal Secondary Assistant Mattachine Attaché for High Culture at the Greek Embassy here in Washington. Those readers may also recall that was several years ago, and under a different Greek government. Like… Continue reading Beware of Greeks Bearing Reparation Demands
Tag: IMF
Argentina’s Falkland Tempest in a Tin Pot
Friday afternoon, I was visited by Dr. Pedro “Pete” Tontogrande Chupacerdo y Boludo del Alcantarilla, former Juan Perón Professor of International Peace, Tolerance and Diplomacy at the University of Buenos Aries and current Primary Counselor for Political and Economic Policy at the Embassy of Argentina here in Washington, DC. As regular readers of this Web… Continue reading Argentina’s Falkland Tempest in a Tin Pot
Orban’s Tooth-and-Nail Hungarian Goulash Recipe
Yesterday was another twelve-hour Saturday, which, given the state of the nation, and, indeed, the world lately, I suppose shouldn’t have surprised me. Not that I’m complaining about working six days a week instead of five, no way – make hay while the sun shines, I say. Around nine o’clock, I received a visit from Colonel… Continue reading Orban’s Tooth-and-Nail Hungarian Goulash Recipe