Welcome Members of the 116th Congress!

Well, it’s been two years since the last US national election, and, as the Constitution prescribes, the entire House of Representatives and one third of the Senate stood for re-election or replacement by the American voters. And since the Constitution also says the President gets elected every four years, we’re still stuck with Donald J.… Continue reading Welcome Members of the 116th Congress!

Did He Spy for the FBI, or is that Just a Lie?

As regular readers of this Web log are aware, my appointments sometimes come so thick and fast there simply aren’t enough workday hours between Monday and Friday to hold them. So it was Saturday, when, after five solid ten-hour days, Gretchen booked another eight, despite the fact that it was Memorial Day weekend. Here in… Continue reading Did He Spy for the FBI, or is that Just a Lie?

Flavor of the Month – Sexual Harass Mint

Today, as I returned from a private holiday lunch at Métier, Gretchen called out to me from her seat at the reception desk. “Mr. Collins,” she beseeched, “I told my new boyfriend, Mark, what you do and he asked me if he could call you for some advice.” “Is there an opening any time soon?”… Continue reading Flavor of the Month – Sexual Harass Mint

Trump Cabinet Thinks the Unthinkable – Who’da Thunk It?

Quite early yesterday morning, so early, in fact, that I had to arrive at the office before Gretchen, a consultation began with a gentleman who insisted I call him “Randy Harry Merkin,” although that obviously could not be his real name. He paid cash, and told me that he is a policy advisor to a… Continue reading Trump Cabinet Thinks the Unthinkable – Who’da Thunk It?

Take a Knee? Forget That – Take a Drink!

Between consultations this afternoon, Gretchen left her desk in the reception area and popped into my office for a moment. “Tom,” she quietly informed me as she closed a heavy oak door behind her, “there’s this… Ebonic gentleman who’s been calling since about nine this morning asking for a consultation. He says he’s a professional… Continue reading Take a Knee? Forget That – Take a Drink!