Sugar Honey Graham Discovers 20th Century Technology

This morning, just as I concluded a consultation about Boko Haram’s latest overtures to ISIL with a distraught Nigerian diplomat, Gretchen buzzed me on the intercom. “Mr. Collins,” she told me, “there’s this old Southern lady on Line Two. She sounds exactly like Woody Allen imitating Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire.” “Did this… Continue reading Sugar Honey Graham Discovers 20th Century Technology

Obama’s Lethal Pen Strikes Terror in Yemen

Today, I received a visit from Dr. Neekni Bzez-Emak ibn Himar, Chairman of the National Islamic People’s Party Legal Extension Service, which is headquartered here in Washington DC.  Fresh from a meeting at the Embassy of the Republic of Yemen, he was equally full of tea and indignation. “Mr. Collins,” he bitterly complained, “words can… Continue reading Obama’s Lethal Pen Strikes Terror in Yemen