And Now, the Perfect Perp Walk

As regular readers of this Web Log know, April 1 is my birthday. And given the nature of this blog’s content, what could be more appropriate? Being the wealthiest member of the extended family to which I belong, my birthday celebrations are, of course, not like most folk’s – after all, what do you get… Continue reading And Now, the Perfect Perp Walk

What We All Know Now is a Lot of Republicans Want to be President

As I have mentioned before on this Web Log, my clients need not identify themselves if they do not wish to. The only exception is if they want to obtain an initial consultation without charge, and I hardly ever deviate from that rule. That issue proved moot this morning, when “Mr. Xavier,” as called himself,… Continue reading What We All Know Now is a Lot of Republicans Want to be President

Sugar Honey Graham Discovers 20th Century Technology

This morning, just as I concluded a consultation about Boko Haram’s latest overtures to ISIL with a distraught Nigerian diplomat, Gretchen buzzed me on the intercom. “Mr. Collins,” she told me, “there’s this old Southern lady on Line Two. She sounds exactly like Woody Allen imitating Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire.” “Did this… Continue reading Sugar Honey Graham Discovers 20th Century Technology

Norquist Pledge Proves Politically Taxing

Thursday morning, Gretchen rang my extension and asked, “Mr. Collins, who the hell is Grover Norquist?” “Why do you ask?” I inquired. “Because there’s this guy on Line Two who said he’s somebody named ‘Grover Norquist,’ and when I asked him, ‘How do you spell your last name, sir?’ he went ballistic!  He was like,… Continue reading Norquist Pledge Proves Politically Taxing