Ugandan President to Visit Exotic and Inscrutable USA

Yesterday, Gretchen had occasion to squeeze Dr. Bashafala Kumanina Kinuka Mkundu, Primary Under Assistant Secretary for Economic, Cultural and Scientific Affairs of the Ugandan Embassy to the United States of America, into my consultation schedule. “Mr. Collins,” she complained to me via IM Chat from her computer in the reception area, “this Dr. Mknundu is… Continue reading Ugandan President to Visit Exotic and Inscrutable USA

Kony 2012 Makes Jason Russell Barely Famous

I was relaxing at my home in Great Falls, Virginia this afternoon, preparing to drive over to Fairfax for what my sister-in-law Shannon promises to be a genuine Chicago Irish St. Patrick’s day celebration, when my POTS land line rang.  The caller ID was partially blocked, showing only an 858 area code.  I must confess,… Continue reading Kony 2012 Makes Jason Russell Barely Famous