Carlos’ Dangerous Weiner Imperils NY Mayoral Bid

It was another working Saturday for Gretchen and myself – the situation in the Middle East has been great for business – and I was booked solid for consultations from nine to five-thirty.  But around ten-forty-five, between appointments, Gretchen told me that I had a call waiting from my nephew, Hank Junior, who is studying… Continue reading Carlos’ Dangerous Weiner Imperils NY Mayoral Bid

Totally Zany Liz Cheney Seeks Senate Seat

Like most of the United States east of the Mississippi, Washington spent this week in the grip of a truly torrid heat wave.  The difference, as the old adage has it, between Hell and Washington DC in the summer is that Hell has dry heat.  And at the moment, there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind… Continue reading Totally Zany Liz Cheney Seeks Senate Seat

State Department’s Whistle Blower Scandal Cure

Thursday morning, I received a visit from Dr. Evelyn Waugh Tsvangari-O’Shay.  She works at the US State Department Office of the Inspector General. “I suppose,” she began, “you are familiar with the recent allegations lodged against us?” “That the Office of the Secretary of State intervened to quash an investigation of an affair between a… Continue reading State Department’s Whistle Blower Scandal Cure

DOJ Scandals Test Whether Eric Holder is a Quitter

Last night, Cerise and I attended a Ravel concert by the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center.  But before that, we had a dinner date at the Capitol Grille on Pennsylvania Avenue, where I awaited her arrival at a table for two.  Then, more or less out of nowhere, Hoffmann appeared.  He’s a successful… Continue reading DOJ Scandals Test Whether Eric Holder is a Quitter

Most Likely Reason for IRS Tea Party 501(c)(4) Imbroglio Identified

The media have been reporting a boat load of horrific stories lately, and with the apprehension of alleged multiple kidnapper, rapist and dungeon keeper Ariel Castro in Cleveland, it all got to be a bit too much for my girlfriend Cerise.  “I’m going to the zoo this weekend, Tom,” she announced to me on Thursday,… Continue reading Most Likely Reason for IRS Tea Party 501(c)(4) Imbroglio Identified