Pakistan President Zardari Yodels for Immunity

Last night, I stopped by the Round Robin Bar for a drink or two after work.  There I found Shaughnessy, of the State Department Pakistan Desk, drinking – well, drinking like an Irishman trying to drown his sorrows, actually. “Things at Foggy Bottom getting to you?” I inquired as I took a seat on the… Continue reading Pakistan President Zardari Yodels for Immunity

Assange, Assad, Manning, Wikileaks, VEPCO, PEPCO – and Nuts

Friday of last week, two million people in the Washington DC metro area lost electrical power.  As I write this, eight days later, half a million still have none.  Oh, and by the way, the temperature every day in between has been around 100 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s the ambient, dry-bulb, actual temperature, not including humidity.… Continue reading Assange, Assad, Manning, Wikileaks, VEPCO, PEPCO – and Nuts

Fast and Furious Firearms of Phoenix Found Fallacious

Early this week, Lemont from DOJ called and asked Gretchen to block out two fifteen minute blanks bracketing a consultation on Friday.  I have received similar requests on occasion in the past, but usually from foreign diplomats, highly secretive captains of industry, or members of the US intelligence community.  I bill them for the dead… Continue reading Fast and Furious Firearms of Phoenix Found Fallacious

Obama Finds His Voice on National Security Leaks

Last weekend, a Russian hacker cracked six and a half million Linkedin user passwords.  Monday, he posted them on the Internet.  Wednesday, Linkedin came out and admitted what had happened.  Thursday, all hell broke loose.  Friday afternoon, I had an appointment for a policy consultation with a Linkedin representative.  I had Gretchen reschedule her, however,… Continue reading Obama Finds His Voice on National Security Leaks

Romney’s Better Amercia Made in India

Early Tuesday morning this week, Gretchen began receiving calls requesting a telephone consultation for Chutiyarandikalarka Kukarchod Jalantaka, president and CEO of U-Cum-First Technology Services, Mumbai, India.  She was finally able to find a slot for him in my schedule on Thursday at three o’clock, by which time, judging from the tone of his voice, the… Continue reading Romney’s Better Amercia Made in India