Ach du Liebe Zeit! NSA Private Cell Phone Tap Penetrates Angela Merkel

Fortunately, despite the desperate state of the world, it did not prove necessary for Gretchen to book any consultations on this particular weekend.  So she had both days off – although I am, technically speaking, on call year-round, 24/7.  And so it was that shortly after breakfast in bed, while Cerise and I relaxed with… Continue reading Ach du Liebe Zeit! NSA Private Cell Phone Tap Penetrates Angela Merkel

Obama Ends Up in Bum Luck Egypt

Cerise and I were enjoying one of the favorite pleasures of Washingtonians this time of year – a bike ride down the shady, cool and scenic Chesapeake and Ohio Canal tow path – when Lydia Laureli Llewellyn-Lipschitz, former Henry Kissinger professor of Middle Eastern Studies at Brandeis University, and currently Deputy Assistant Undersecretary of State for Near Eastern… Continue reading Obama Ends Up in Bum Luck Egypt

State Department’s Whistle Blower Scandal Cure

Thursday morning, I received a visit from Dr. Evelyn Waugh Tsvangari-O’Shay.  She works at the US State Department Office of the Inspector General. “I suppose,” she began, “you are familiar with the recent allegations lodged against us?” “That the Office of the Secretary of State intervened to quash an investigation of an affair between a… Continue reading State Department’s Whistle Blower Scandal Cure

North Korea’s Fearless Leaders’ Chicken Nephew

Earlier this afternoon, Cerise and I were lying in bed at my home in Great Falls, Virginia with all the windows open enjoying the marvelous brisk spring air and sunny weather, combined with the afterglow of a black truffle omelette, Dom Pérignon champagne blood orange mimosa and Beluga caviar brunch, with its natural consequents, when… Continue reading North Korea’s Fearless Leaders’ Chicken Nephew

Tom Discovers what Hamid Karzai’s been Smoking

Late Friday afternoon, as I was crunching some numbers for the Federal Reserve, Gretchen politely interrupted me.  “Mr. Collins,” she announced, her blonde head poked discreetly into my office between the heavy oak doors separating me from the reception area, “Khus Dihugami Dadamizo, Special International Policy Emissary of His Excellency President Hamid Karzai for the… Continue reading Tom Discovers what Hamid Karzai’s been Smoking