Breaking News: Carlson Gets Tucked

As Beltane arrives here in the Washington suburbs, the honeysuckle and feral azaleas bloom and the deer in my back yard retreat into the protective, enveloping Virginia woods to drop their fawns, forsaking the sugar beets and carrots I have the lawn service put out for them to nibble. Meanwhile, everyone in America wonders if… Continue reading Breaking News: Carlson Gets Tucked

Welcome to Zunzuneo, Brought to You by USAID

Last night I stopped by the Round Robin Bar before meeting Cerise to take in a performance at the Woolly Mammoth Theater.  There I saw Cabot, who is with the United States Agency for International Development Office of Transition Initiatives.  Now, USAID is associated with the State Department, and everybody knows how those folks can… Continue reading Welcome to Zunzuneo, Brought to You by USAID