Trigger-happy Cowgirl Shoots Self in Foot

During the late Upper Pleistocene Age, between thirty and forty thousand years ago, two predator species developed a synergistic relationship. The first was a now-extinct ancestor of the grey wolf, the other the ancestors of modern Homo Sapiens, a species who have yet to become extinct but are nevertheless diligently working on it. There were… Continue reading Trigger-happy Cowgirl Shoots Self in Foot

Breaking News: Carlson Gets Tucked

As Beltane arrives here in the Washington suburbs, the honeysuckle and feral azaleas bloom and the deer in my back yard retreat into the protective, enveloping Virginia woods to drop their fawns, forsaking the sugar beets and carrots I have the lawn service put out for them to nibble. Meanwhile, everyone in America wonders if… Continue reading Breaking News: Carlson Gets Tucked

Just for the Record, There’s Nothing “Impending” About America’s Civil War

As I have noted many times in the past, this Web log is read globally – in more than one hundred countries, as a matter of fact – as well as in the United States. My domestic readers, therefore, will forgive me for explaining various thing that they already know (or in many cases, I… Continue reading Just for the Record, There’s Nothing “Impending” About America’s Civil War

MAGA 2: Electric Boogaloo

Yesterday, I received an encrypted IM from Gretchen about scheduling a new appointment: Some guy named Mark Meadows called. Claimed he works at the White House. Sounded like a complete backwoods hick with a deep-fried redneck accent that would embarrass Larry the Cable Guy. It appears he’s what happens when southerners marry their cousins for… Continue reading MAGA 2: Electric Boogaloo

Yes, Virginia, You Remain an Embarrassment to Our Nation

There a widespread, often repeated observation among grandparents that personalities and talents seem to skip generations. Perhaps this is just the wishful thinking of elderly people disappointed in how their children turned out, but in the case of my brother-in-law, Hank Palikowski and his son, Hank Jr., it definitely seems to possess some credence. Having… Continue reading Yes, Virginia, You Remain an Embarrassment to Our Nation