Tea Party Discovers that John Roberts Impeachment is Supremely Problematic

On Thursday, June 28, the Supreme Court upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, thanks to Chief Justice John Roberts figuring out that although the law’s individual mandate to buy health insurance was unconstitutional under the Commerce Clause, it is, nevertheless, just fine and dandy under another part of the Constitution pertaining to Congressional… Continue reading Tea Party Discovers that John Roberts Impeachment is Supremely Problematic

Scalia Says Obamacare Tastes Like Broccoli

It was a mighty glum Mortimer Groenteboer of the American Fruit and Vegetable Council who came to visit my office on the afternoon of Friday March 30.  “He looks,” Gretchen opined in an instant message shortly before showing him in, “like he was weaned on a pickle.” And so he did.  A more unhappy Washington… Continue reading Scalia Says Obamacare Tastes Like Broccoli

Orban’s Tooth-and-Nail Hungarian Goulash Recipe

Yesterday was another twelve-hour Saturday, which, given the state of the nation, and, indeed, the world lately, I suppose shouldn’t have surprised me.  Not that I’m complaining about working six days a week instead of five, no way – make hay while the sun shines, I say.  Around nine o’clock, I received a visit from Colonel… Continue reading Orban’s Tooth-and-Nail Hungarian Goulash Recipe

Mitt Romney’s Southern Fried French Connection

While relaxing at home in Great Falls, Virginia, this afternoon, I received a telephone call from Jacques, my thoroughly French friend from La Sorbonne. Jacques: Hello, Tom?  Comment vas-tu? Tom: Ca va, et toi? Jacques: To tell the truth, my friend Tom, I am not so happy today, because of what I have read on… Continue reading Mitt Romney’s Southern Fried French Connection

GOP Rediscovers Gingrich – Can Talk, has Pulse; Also Not Romney

Around about Halloween, my dear sister Rose had finished making it clear to me, over the course of several conversations, that Thanksgiving was to be held at my house this year.  There are a number of reasons for that, none of which Rose gave me, of course, because she didn’t need too.  I already knew… Continue reading GOP Rediscovers Gingrich – Can Talk, has Pulse; Also Not Romney