Fake It ‘Til You Make It

Someone calling herself “Alexa,” and claiming to represent “a major Democratic presidential candidate” started calling the office starting in the middle of last week, asking for one of my free initial consultations. I’ve been extremely busy lately, and there really weren’t any openings in my schedule, so I kept putting them off. I have to… Continue reading Fake It ‘Til You Make It

Rue Britannia

On Friday, March 15, my ten o’clock morning consultation was with Sir Percy Hampton Churchill Saxe-Coburg Hanover Blithering-Snipe Smythe-Smith-Smythe Kensington VI, PhD OS FHS KCVO LLE OBE HFRS BYOB, Economic Attaché to the Royal Embassy of Her Majesty, Elizabeth II of the Court of Saint James’s, by the Grace of God, Queen of the United… Continue reading Rue Britannia

Two Billion Facebook Users Can’t be Wrong – But They Sure Can Be Clueless

As regular readers of this Web log are well aware, my dear sister Rose occasionally makes it known that she would like me to take her out to lunch. The purpose of these repasts is ostensibly to catch up with one another on family affairs – but the fact that it allows her to get… Continue reading Two Billion Facebook Users Can’t be Wrong – But They Sure Can Be Clueless

Trump Cabinet Thinks the Unthinkable – Who’da Thunk It?

Quite early yesterday morning, so early, in fact, that I had to arrive at the office before Gretchen, a consultation began with a gentleman who insisted I call him “Randy Harry Merkin,” although that obviously could not be his real name. He paid cash, and told me that he is a policy advisor to a… Continue reading Trump Cabinet Thinks the Unthinkable – Who’da Thunk It?

US and N. Korea Wrestle in Deep Kimchee

I was relaxing at my home in Great Falls, Virginia this morning, reading Kierkegaard around three in the afternoon when my land line rang, and Caller ID revealed it was a satellite phone call from none other than Kim Jong-un, Glorious and Infallible Supreme Leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea. As faithful… Continue reading US and N. Korea Wrestle in Deep Kimchee