Patriots and Phone Taps and PRISM, Oh My!

At a two fifty-five on Friday afternoon, as I concluded a lengthy consultation with a Slovenian economist on ways to avoid his country becoming the next Cyprus, Gretchen rang my extension. “Mr. Collins,” she primly stated, “your brother-in-law Hank and his sister-in-law, Shannon, have arrived and wish to meet with you at your earliest opportunity.”… Continue reading Patriots and Phone Taps and PRISM, Oh My!

Gawker Goes After the Creepshot on Reddit

Hard at work in my home office today, around two o’clock, I kept the HDTV on the wall tuned to coverage of Felix Baumgartner’s 24 mile high sky dive attempt.  He was just going through the pre-jump check list when my land line telephone rang.  Caller ID revealed that it was my dear sister Rose’s… Continue reading Gawker Goes After the Creepshot on Reddit

Romney’s Better Amercia Made in India

Early Tuesday morning this week, Gretchen began receiving calls requesting a telephone consultation for Chutiyarandikalarka Kukarchod Jalantaka, president and CEO of U-Cum-First Technology Services, Mumbai, India.  She was finally able to find a slot for him in my schedule on Thursday at three o’clock, by which time, judging from the tone of his voice, the… Continue reading Romney’s Better Amercia Made in India

Bulls Stampede to Facebook and Get Slaughtered

Around three o’clock yesterday afternoon, my brother-in-law Hank started camping out in my reception area, pleading with Gretchen to find time for a meeting.  That happened at five, when a consultation with the deputy secretary from the Embassy of Mali was abruptly canceled.  “Tom,” Hank stuttered as he rushed in and threw himself on the… Continue reading Bulls Stampede to Facebook and Get Slaughtered

This Site Has Gone 10,000 Shades of Gray

It’s pretty hard to imagine someone reading this Web log who would be unaware of the significance of today’s date – it’s January 18, 2012.  This is the day that millions of Web sites across the world, including some, or perhaps all, of those on this site’s own blog roll, will go dark in protest… Continue reading This Site Has Gone 10,000 Shades of Gray