Norquist Pledge Proves Politically Taxing

Thursday morning, Gretchen rang my extension and asked, “Mr. Collins, who the hell is Grover Norquist?” “Why do you ask?” I inquired. “Because there’s this guy on Line Two who said he’s somebody named ‘Grover Norquist,’ and when I asked him, ‘How do you spell your last name, sir?’ he went ballistic!  He was like,… Continue reading Norquist Pledge Proves Politically Taxing

Promises, Promises – Texas Talks Secession Yet Again

Unlike the majority of Americans who took the day after Thanksgiving off, either to sleep late and spend extra quality time with their families (that would be the sane ones) or viciously fight with each other at the shopping mall over things they don’t need (that would be most of them, unfortunately), I went to… Continue reading Promises, Promises – Texas Talks Secession Yet Again

David Petraeus and John Allen Caught in General Scandal

Early Friday morning, a person identifying themself as Robin Tracey Innis Masozi Dale began calling my office in Washington DC, more or less pestering the dickens out of poor Gretchen, my private secretary, by urgently asking for a telephone consultation, over and over again.  As it happened, I couldn’t spare a minute – I was booked solid until six… Continue reading David Petraeus and John Allen Caught in General Scandal

Obama Victory Drives Republicans Right Loony

Saturday night, after dinner at Plume, Cerise and I watched Lang Lang perform Beethoven’s piano concertos 2, 3 and 5 with the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center, then spent the rest of the night clubbing on U Street until the bars closed.  We went to bed at my home in Great Falls, Virginia,… Continue reading Obama Victory Drives Republicans Right Loony

Site of the Resurrection Gets an Unholy Water Bill

Yesterday afternoon at three o’clock, I welcomed Bishop Skatasta Moutrasou, Legate Extraordinary to the United States of America at Washington DC for his Holiness Theophilos III, Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem to my office.  While Bishop Moutrasou did not come arrayed in ecclesiastical garb, wearing instead a bespoke Savile Row suit, his long, flowing beard readily… Continue reading Site of the Resurrection Gets an Unholy Water Bill