Obama’s Lethal Pen Strikes Terror in Yemen

Today, I received a visit from Dr. Neekni Bzez-Emak ibn Himar, Chairman of the National Islamic People’s Party Legal Extension Service, which is headquartered here in Washington DC.  Fresh from a meeting at the Embassy of the Republic of Yemen, he was equally full of tea and indignation. “Mr. Collins,” he bitterly complained, “words can… Continue reading Obama’s Lethal Pen Strikes Terror in Yemen

Occupy Wall Street Gets Street Smart

Columbus Day is a federal holiday, and, in my humble opinion, no other day is more suitable.  After all, Columbus was dead wrong about the key assumption underlying his endeavours, that being the size of the earth.  Every educated person in Columbus’ day knew it was round, of course – that realization went back to… Continue reading Occupy Wall Street Gets Street Smart

Fat Chance that Chris Christie Will be President

September 30 is the last day of the federal fiscal year, making October 1 Washington’s New Years Day.  Consequently, there’s a tradition of throwing New Years Eve parties on the last day of September, and since this year, that day happened to fall on a Friday, there were rather more of them to attended than… Continue reading Fat Chance that Chris Christie Will be President

Solyndra Hides from Sunshine Behind the Fifth Amendment

Late yesterday while I was alone in my office, working on an analysis of Italian bond price effects on exchange rates for the Euro, Gretchen opened one of the oak doors leading to the reception area and poked her head in. “I’ve got Vice President Joe Biden on Line Two,” she informed me.  “He says… Continue reading Solyndra Hides from Sunshine Behind the Fifth Amendment

Meet Rick Perry’s Most Ambitious New Volunteer

It’s been unseasonably cool here in Washington the last few days, and I can’t complain.  The finches and hummingbirds have ceased visiting their bird feeders, so I suppose it bothers them, though.  On the other hand, the brisk weather seems to have had a stimulating effect on the appetites of cardinals, jays, robins, and in particular,… Continue reading Meet Rick Perry’s Most Ambitious New Volunteer